
Sunday 23 November 2014

On 23:29 by Vishal Sawlani in    1 comment
Twitter began with simplicity in mind- It started as a text message service and has transformed into a global service but has always revolved around bringing people closer to their interests. Your business is of someone’s are you on Twitter?

500 million Tweets are sent out a day. There are 230 million active users on Twitter. Do you use Twitter? Have you thought about the basics? Will you ReTweet, @reply, use hash #tags, add links, photos, videos!

If you want to harness the global power of social media marketing, in particular Twitter, you can’t just set up a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr – you name it – account and expect the world to come to you.

Let us check out the Best Practices of Twitter usage which in turn helps to build your personal brand.

1) Upload an engaging and professional individual photograph of yourself (size 500*500 pixels)
2) Upload engaging cover photo of 1500*500 pixles
3) Include a username that is easy to identify as you
4) Describe yourself  in your bio
5) Choose to use the new Twitter layout
6) Include a URL to your company/website/blog in your bio
7) Include your physical location in your bio
8) Share timely news; useful information.  5-7 tweets in a day.
9) Share your thoughts/observations using interesting hashtags
10) Give your opinion about trending hashtags
11) RT influencer’s tweets which can be helpful to your followers
12) DO show your personality on Twitter: Add commentary to retweets and share what you are rereading on- and offline
13) Include photos and images every now and then. Use extension
14) Share your passions and your voice.
15) Tweets that have 100 characters or less, can boost your engagement by as little as 18%, as do tweets with just 3-4 words.
16) Be choosy with hashtags- Don’t hashtag everything
17) Choose your passion and develop a niche and define your online brand.
18) Ask Questions - Don’t be afraid to reach out to a celebrity, sports team, school, etc. You never know when they will tweet back!
19) When using cards or links in your tweet, stay clear of hashtags and usernames as it can put users off!
20) DO Facilitate conversation: Leave room in tweets so others can retweet with commentary. Always remember to use #hashtags
21) Do create twitter lists of your favorite Twitters Set up a feed from blog to twitter and from Facebook to twitter
22) Develop a schedule for twitter posts
23) Thank your followers
24) Engage with your followers- Favorite, Retweet, Respond
25) Unfollow everyone that’s inactive.
26) If you notice that a particular tweet received a lot of engagement, consider paying to promote the tweet and see if it generates any new leads
27) Using more than one exclamation mark in a tweet can plummet the engagement rate! So be careful when sharing something exciting!!!!!!
28) Be a good Twitter community member - Retweet great tweets. Give mentions. Don’t steal others tweets and make them seem like they’re your own.
29) Participate in #FF (Forward Friday) and Twitter chats.
30) And finally, Twitter is a great way of showcasing your business’ unique personality, so don’t try too hard to create an amazing tweet. The first thing that comes into your head is usually the best and most natural thing to tweet

It would be very interesting if I get to know more about from you guyz. As they say, everybody has different and unique experience for the same situation so keeping learning agility as one of the strengths into consideration, I would welcome all inputs from all of you.

Please share this article as it may reach out to others and probably, that is how we can maximize our learning.

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